3 Degrees Code of Conduct


We're a community of music lovers, and a loving community built on mutual respect and support. We value creativity, self-expression, and playful exploration.

This code of conduct applies to everyone attending a 3 Degrees event, including, but not limited to, the organizers, staff, volunteers, ticket holders, or anyone else directly or tangentially connected to the event.

Out of respect for all guests and staff, you agree to refrain from:

  • Fighting, physical assault, taunting, or threatening in any way.

  • Harassment, discrimination, racism, sexism, ageism, being insensitive, obnoxious or vulgar.

  • Non-consensual behavior.

  • Carrying or displaying weapons.

  • Damaging or attempting to vandalize the venue or equipment.

  • Smoking anywhere outside of designated smoking areas.

By attending our event, you agree to:

  • Be kind and courteous to all guests and staff.

  • Be courteous to venue owners and their employees.

  • Consume alcoholic beverages and edibles in a responsible manner.

  • Comply with requests from event staff.

  • Leave no trace and clean up after yourself.

  • Be respectful if another guest asks you to stop what they feel is intimidating or harassing behavior.

Remember that we are governed by the laws of the jurisdictions in which our event is taking place.

Our entire code of conduct comes down to this: be polite and respect each other's boundaries. We want to foster a fun and social atmosphere where people can feel safe, relax, make new friends, and build community.

Refund Policy

Violation of this code of conduct may result in immediate removal, without refund.


For medical emergencies, please alert the person on duty at the medical station and the nearest event organizer or staff member.

Reporting Violations

If you've witnessed any violation of this code of conduct, please alert the nearest staff member directly. You can also use the Incident Report Form below at any time during or after the event.

In the event of a serious violation or accusation, we have experienced professionals who are qualified to investigate.


External Resources

Intimate Partner Violence Resource

National Domestic Violence Hotline, available 24 hours/day in over 120 languages

1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224 https://www.thehotline.org/


Sexual Assault and Information Resources

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) hotline 1-800-656-4673 https://www.rainn.org/

Rape Treatment Center https://www.911rape.org

San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) Hotline (415) 989-SFSI (7374) https://www.sfsi.org

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV) http://endsexualviolence.org


Conflict Resolution Assistance

Julia Weber, mediator, www.juliafweber.com

Local non-profit that trains and provides mediators www.communityboards.org

Additional mediation resources can help identify private practitioners taking referrals in the area www.mediate.com

An excellent book on Nonviolent Communication. It’s been translated into more than 35 languages and remains a beloved and celebrated tool for healing and learning to connect with others.


Comments or Suggestions

We welcome comments and suggestions on this document. We periodically review our policies and procedures and update this document accordingly. We will post new versions on the 3 Degrees website with an updated version number and date.